Friday, July 23, 2010

mixtape #26 - if loneliness was an art

Mirah - "Dreamboat"
Allo, Darlin' - "Kiss Your Lips"
Cub - "Leapfrog"
The Maybellines - "Watermelon"
Knock Knock - "There's Still Time To Change Your Mind"
Strip Squad - "Unreliable Narrator"
The Smittens - "The Garden"
Nedelle And Thom - "Puddle At Your Toes"
Wilson Hospital - "Midsummers Ball"
My Darling YOU! - "Dressed4success"
Sambassadeur - "Crooked Spine"
The Secret History - "Johnny Nightmare"
Zoey Van Goey - "My Persecution Complex"
Veronica Falls - "Found Love in a Graveyard"
Saturday Looks Good To Me - "No Reception"

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